Solotnik is an archaeological site in village of Solotuša, about 9 km from Kaludjerske Bare, dominated by the ruins of a medieval castle. The fortress was built on a rocky plateau below which is a long limestone cliff, which descends to the source of the Solotuska River.
There are no historiographic notes about it, and no special folklore, except for the name Grad, Kulina or Jerina’s town. According to archaeologists, Solotnik is a typical medieval castle, and it owes its name to the village where it is located. During archaeological research, fragmentary remains of fortifications from the Iron Age were discovered, dating in the early Byzantine period, while the castle with the manor’s court was built in the 15th century.
Fossilized lime mortar, numerous finds of weapons and scarce fragments of stone pottery indicated that Solotnik was built in a hurry and that it was conquered during a Turkish attack, most likely between 1459 and 1463. . The castle had an approximately trapezoidal base, measuring 16.85 x 28.20 meters, two entrances and a circular defense tower above the main door from the southeast. Pressed limestone and brick bound with lime mortar were used in the construction, and the walls are 1.20 to 1.70 meters wide and preserved at a height of 4.2 meters. The water cistern, discovered in the castle, has an irregular circular base, with a circular well. Archaeological research at Kulina has not been completed.