“BB Klekovaca” from Bajina Basta is the oldest existing Serbian distillery. It was founded in 1953. by continuing the tradition of the Agricultural Cooperative Bajina Basta from 1905. and is famous precisely for klekovaca, sljivovica brandy with the addition of juniper berries – the authentic and traditional brandy of Bajina Basta and Tara Mountain, which has been produced in that area for centuries.
BB Destillery produces twenty different types of klekovaca, sljivovica, travarica (brandy with addition of herbs) and fruit brandies. Almost all BB Klekovaca brandies belong to the premium category, and as of January 2018. “Limited Edition” series was also launched. Within that edition, BB Destillery in strictly limited series presents the masterpieces of its craftsmen of distillation and coupage, new findings and experiments in the production of brandy or unique “gems” spontaneously created by aging in different barrels.
With unwavering faith in the strength of our climate and respect for the immeasurable tradition of brandy production in our region, since 2010. we have been harmonizing our every step with our historical and geographical origin in a special way, always with a clear vision and mission – to produce top-quality authentic brandies from the best fruit and indigenous varieties of plums in Western Serbia.
And we are convinced that this is why in every sip of BB Klekovaca brandy you will always recognize the smells and tastes of our unique climate, and feel – the heart of the Drina and the soul of Tara.
BB Klekovaca produces 18 different brandies, for which a very strict selection of the best fruit from the region of Western Serbia is carried out , while klekovaca and sljivovica are based exclusively on autochthonous regional varieties of plums – Trnovaca and Pozegaca. All BB Klekovaca brandies are produced by double distillation in top-class wood-fired copper boilers.
About 200,000 liters of premium brandy are constantly aging in the distillery, half of which is in Serbian oak barrels from Goc, with a volume of 500-13,000 liters.
In accordance with the exceptional tradition, BB Kelkovaca produces five outstanding brandies based on plums: the legendary “BB Klekovaca” – plum toast with the addition of juniper berries, three “Drina” classic plum brandies (preprecenice – “Drinska ljuta” and “Drinska ljuta barik”, as well as soft brandy – “Drinska meka”) and great “BB Travarica” based on plum brandy with the addition of 16 medicinal herbs from Tara.