“Bajna Zima” is the name of the New Year’s program held on the town square in Bajina Bašta. The program includes decorating the Christmas tree, taking pictures with Santa Claus, distribution of packets for the youngest visitors, a performance by the children’s choir, animators, performances and various other activities for our youngest fellow citizens.
The New Year’s bazaar will also contribute to the festive atmosphere of the holiday. Until the 19th of January people in Bajina Bašta can enjoy the same.
Exhibitors are rural households, craft shops and citizen associations, so at the stalls you will find homemade products, candies, various handicrafts, appropriate gifts for Christmas and New Year holidays, quality honey, as well as sweets and jams.
As a continuation of the event “Bajna Zima”, the tourist organization “Tara-Drina” in cooperation with the Church Municipality of Bajina Bašta and under the patronage of the Municipality of Bajina Bašta, organizes the event “BB Christmas Village”. The goal of the event is to mark the Orthodox holidays that will be celebrated in the coming period in a festive atmosphere and to spread the spirit of the Christmas holidays throughout the municipality with appropriate program.
At the opening of the event, the exhibition “Bethlehem Cave” will be presented. The model was made to show the cave in the place of Bethlehem in Judea at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. Along with the performance of the Bethlehem Cave, the playing of spiritual songs was also organized in order to complete the festive atmosphere.

The birth of the Lord Jesus Christ – Christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays because this great church holiday, according to the abundant favor of God, celebrates the historical event of the Incarnation of the Living God, the touch of heaven and earth, the meeting of the Creator and creation. “Christmas Village” is a way for Bajina Bašta to celebrate this great Orthodox holiday even more solemnly.
“Christmas Village” will last until Epiphany, and until then there will be stalls on the town square with displayed souvenirs and homemade products.